A small introduction

About Us

Genius Cooling Towers is wholly committed to provide high quality product for total customer satisfaction through continuous product innovation. Genius group is involved in design, manufacture, and installation of various type of cooling tower. Genius provides solution in cooling tower industry with series of product, low noise series, super low noise, compact design for space limitation, high temperature application, dirty water application, etc. We strongly recognize the importance of after sales service. We manufacture and supply various spare parts for after sales replacement market.

CTI Certified Cooling Tower Malaysia, Malaysia Custom Cooling Tower Manufacturer-Genius Cooling Tower Sdn Bhd.

Hot water boiler for CTI test facility

Genius Cooling Tower provide custom build cooling tower with CTI certification.

CTI test facility

Let us introduce ourselves

About Genius Cooling Tower

Genius Premier Sdn Bhd was established in 2002 . We specialize in providing solutions in the cooling tower industry with a myriad of products and services. Some of our featured products include the Crossflow Cooling Tower and the Counterflow Cooling Tower. We have obtained CTI certification for our Crossflow and Counterflow Cooling tower in 2016.

With more than 14 years of experiences in the industry, our cooling towers have been installed in various industries such as hospitals, universities and other various commercial infrastructures across the country.

Genius Premier Sdn Bhd continues to innovate, improve and providing quality products to meet clients’ needs. Our well-trained and qualified teams are equipped with experience and expertise are striving to serve better and satisfy customer needs.

Due to business expansion and growth, a new manufacturing facility was constructed in 2012. The new facility is built on 2.2-acre land with over 50,000 square feet of production space, 6,000 square feet of factory office space and 8,000 square feet dedicated for CTI test facilities. Genius Premier would continuously maintain product innovation and engineering while overlooking the production of the cooling towers. A subsidiary company, Genius Cooling Towers Sdn Bhd was established in 2013 to oversee the role of sales and marketing of Genius brand cooling towers so that Genius Premier can continue to focus on innovating and manufacturing high quality products.

Our current

Sales market

We at Genius Cooling Towers Sdn. Bhd. are an emerging and developing brand with unique design features. This provides a wider market share in Malaysia. Our cooling towers have been installed in various commercial infrastructures across Malaysia.

Our cooling towers are also exported mainly to ASEAN & Middle Eastern countries such as Vietnam, Myammar, Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Philipines. We are currently developing markets in both foreign and domestic regions with continuous product improvement.

What is


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